Grief by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I tell you hopeless grief is passionless,
That only men incredulous of despair,
Half-taught in anguish, through the midnight air
Beat upward to God's throne in loud access
Of shrieking and reproach. Full desertness
In souls, as countries, lieth silent-bare
Under the blanching, vertical eye-glare
Of the absolute heavens. Deep-hearted man, express
Grief for thy dead in silence like to death—
Most like a monumental statue set
In everlasting watch and moveless woe
Till itself crumble to the dust beneath.
Touch it; the marble eyelids are not wet;
If it could weep, it could arise and go.
That only men incredulous of despair,
Half-taught in anguish, through the midnight air
Beat upward to God's throne in loud access
Of shrieking and reproach. Full desertness
In souls, as countries, lieth silent-bare
Under the blanching, vertical eye-glare
Of the absolute heavens. Deep-hearted man, express
Grief for thy dead in silence like to death—
Most like a monumental statue set
In everlasting watch and moveless woe
Till itself crumble to the dust beneath.
Touch it; the marble eyelids are not wet;
If it could weep, it could arise and go.
Luto por Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Digo-lhe sofrimento sem esperança é paixão,
Que só os homens incrédulos de desespero,
Meio-didata na angústia, no ar à meia-noite
Bata para cima, para o trono de Deus no acesso alto
De gritos e acusações. desertness completa
Em solos, como países, jaz silenciosa - nua
Sob o branqueamento, vertical olho-brilho
Dos céus absolutos. Homem profundo-coração, expressar
Luto para o teu morto em silêncio gosto de morte-
Mais como um conjunto monumental estátua
No relógio eterno e ai movelos
Até se desintegrar ao pó debaixo.
Tocá-lo; as pálpebras de mármore não estão molhadas;
Se pudesse chorar, pode levantar-se e ir embora.
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